Last month everything turned pink…Barbie the film was released with phenomenal results at the box office. Even Google itself turned pink, the marketing was brilliant and as well as creating a pink movement it also highlighted women in high positions in STEM careers, demonstrating the gender gap that exists in the real world.
RTC North runs the North East STEM Hub, linking education to industry through education and STEM specialists who are passionate about inspiring the next generation into the world of STEM. This topic of gender inequality in STEM careers is prominent as women make up less than one third of the STEM workforce.
The Barbie movie successfully portrayed the experience of being a woman in a male-dominated, patriarchal society. Using humour and irony, the film emphasises hidden barriers and unseen struggles that women endure during everyday life, whilst exposing sexism and bringing feminism to the forefront.
Earlier this year in March, Mattel celebrated International Women’s Day by honouring six influential women leaders in STEM with role model dolls made to resemble these women.
Claire Willis, STEM Team Leader at the North East STEM Hub said, “Showcasing these strong female role models in STEM is essential for children, especially young girls to see and believe it is possible to be anything, irrespective of their gender. There is still so much to do to ‘re-write the balance’ but through the medium of films we can reach huge audiences and I am delighted that the Barbie movie has decided to address issues around gender-bias with their new film and the manufacture of their range of role model dolls.”
With Barbie now committing to recognising and highlighting careers that are historically underrepresented by women it will hopefully encourage and build interests in young girls to discover STEM. And the best news is pink doesn’t have to be your favourite colour to get on board the STEM train!