STEMFest’s Technology zone welcomes The Community Foundation Tyne & Wear and Northumberland as final zone supporter.
STEMFest is an interactive exhibition ran by the North East STEM Hub delivered by RTC North. It is set to inspire and connect over 3,000 schoolchildren to potential careers in Space, Technology, Environment and Energy, and Manufacturing. It will be taking place in the first week of July at the VERTU Motors Arena in Newcastle.
The Community Foundation matches generous people with important community causes. Every year, the Foundation award grants to hundreds of small charities in Tyne & Wear and Northumberland, and across North East England, through funds set up by a range of donors.
STEMFest offers attending young people the opportunity to meet with regional businesses and employers. Schoolchildren will be exposed to the real-life world of STEM and the event will share potential career paths and opportunities to inspire and enthuse.
Ross Wilson, Senior Philanthropy Advisor at the Community Foundation said:
“Events such as STEMFest are a great way to introduce an array of opportunities in the STEM industry of which children and young people may not have previously been aware, or had the chance to consider as a potential future career.
It is exciting to consider how RTC North will be able to use its position, knowledge, and experience to introduce high quality businesses to the pupils set to attend, to improve the chances of strong connections being made”.
Claire Willis, North East STEM Hub’s Team Leader and coordinator of STEMFest comments:
“I want to thank The Community Foundation for supporting STEMFest this year. Our event will hopefully make an impact on all the schoolchildren that experience it.
STEMFest aims to support the next generation into STEM sectors and this event will work towards exhibitors and North East businesses recruiting their future workforce to support the region’s economy.
Without ongoing support from businesses including The Community Foundation and our headline sponsor this year, Cummins, events like this simply couldn’t take place.”