Readily accessible for all, free resource
'When I Grow Up’ follows twins Harry and Amy who are considering their future professions as part of their school careers day competition. The book was written by Rich Smith, Pre-Construction Director of Highways at Keltbray, to inspire as many bright young minds as possible and encourage them to consider a career in construction. Paired with interactive workshops, the book is aimed at primary school aged children and promotes STEM as an exciting and engaging career.
We want the books’ potential and influence to be maximised, reaching children all over the country – from bedtime stories to school workshops to playground activities. To make this possible, the book is free to anyone who wishes to use it as a resource, either for their own children, or on our sites and in communities to deliver meaningful social value that will bring positive change to our industry.
To discuss how to obtain a copy/copies, please contact Rich Smith –, Elizabeth Revill – or Sarah Brammer –
Alternatively, visit to request a copy today.